Friday, November 17, 2006

Just a couple of thoughts before I begin this Friday evening.

#1. I think I have a phobia over doing laundry. Every time I really need to do laundry, I get a sinking feeling of dread in my stomach, very similar to the one that I used to get on my way to piano lessons. I guess I'm afraid that I'm going to shrink, ruin, dye, or lose my clothes, and that I, as the jolly green giant will be forced into buying clothing in this country where everyone is a size 2 and about 5'4". *Shudder*

#2. I was on the bus earlier today, and as we drove by a children's clothing store, I got a good look at the little kiddie mannequins modeling the clothing. These mannequins were posed in positions that would suggest a four year-old handles him/herself the same as a thirty year-old, and has the same sense of style and flair. What I want to really see is kiddie mannequins in positions that resemble actual children. Like, the temper tantrum mannequin, that is a mannequin on it's back with legs and arms appearing to be flailing in the air. Or maybe the carry-me child mannequin, that is in the form of a kid almost slumping over on the ground, but with the head raised skyward, as if you could hear it whining to the adult, "But I'm so tiiiiiired." It's not that bad of an idea, it would help parents imagine the clothing on their children a more easily.

#3. It's less than six days before Thanksgiving, and I want everyone in the U.S to think of their friend over here in Italy, who will undoubtedly be eating pasta and fishsticks.

Happy weekend everyone.


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